Tutorial Brief

This covers the basics of using markdown cells. You can think of markdown cells as documention for your code with extended features.

Finding Help:

Markdown Cells

This cell can contain markdown language and render it.

A good reference for markdown is in this link: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet

Most common markdown codes:

Head 1

Head 2

Head 3

Head 4

Alt Heading 1

Alt Heading 2

#Head 1
##Head 2
###Head 3
####Head 4

Alt Heading 1

Alt Heading 2

Font Styles:

  • Italic
  • Italic
  • Bold
  • Bold
  • Throught
- *Italic*
- _Italic_
- **Bold**
- __Bold__
- ~~Throught~~


  • Item 1
  • Item 2

Numbered List:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    1. Sub Item 1
    2. Sub Item 2
  3. Item 3
- Item 1
- Item 2

1. Item 1
2. Item 2
 1. Sub Item 1
 2. Sub Item 2
3. Item 3


[Google with tooltip](https://www.google.com "Google's Homepage")


![Alt Text](http://www.google.com/logos/2012/turing-doodle-static.jpg "Alan Turing's 100th Birthday")


s = "Python syntax highlighting"
print s
var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
s = "Python syntax highlighting"
print s

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";


Website URL Rank
Google google.com 1
Facebook facebook.com 2
Youtube youtube.com 3
| Website   | URL           | Rank |
| ---------:|:-------------:| ----:|
| Google    | google.com    | 1    |
| Facebook  | facebook.com  | 2    |
| Youtube   | youtube.com   | 3    |


Quote from some one else

with multiple lines

> ##Quote from some one else
> *with multiple lines*


Almost any HTML code will render
Just fine.

<p>Almost any <strong>HTML</strong> code will render<br />Just <i>fine</i>.</p>

Horizontal Lines



If you can think of any symbol, it is available in unicode.

  • ©
  • ®

Markdown cell - Latex Script:

Latex is a languange to represent mathematical formula using text.

For Latex documentation please check the wiki:


Inline and Block Latex

Inline Formula: $x=y$

Block Formula: $$x=y$$


Greek Letters

  • Alpha: $\alpha A$
  • Beta: $\beta B$
  • Gamma: $\gamma \Gamma$
  • Pi: $\pi \Pi \varpi$
  • Phi: $\phi \varphi \Phi$
  • Epsilon: $\epsilon \varepsilon$
  • Theta: $\theta \Theta \vartheta$
  • Rho: $\rho \varrho$
  • sigma: $\sigma \Sigma \varsigma$
Alpha: $\alpha A$
Beta: $\beta B$
Gamma: $\gamma \Gamma$
Pi: $\pi \Pi \varpi$
Phi: $\phi \varphi \Phi$
Epsilon: $\epsilon \varepsilon$
Theta: $\theta \Theta \vartheta$
Rho: $\rho \varrho$
sigma: $\sigma \Sigma \varsigma$

Basic operations

  • $y = x + 5$
  • $y = x - 5$
  • $y = 5x$
  • $y = x \times 5$
  • $y = \frac{x}{5}$
  • $y = x \div 5$
$y = x + 5$
$y = x - 5$
$y = 5x$
$y = x \times 5$
$y = \frac{x}{5}$
$y = x \div 5$

Power and Index

  • $y_n = x_n - x_{n-1}$
  • $y = x^2 - 2x^{x-1}$
$y_n = x_n - x_{n-1}$
$y = x^2 - 2x^{x-1}$

Fraction Type

  • $^1/_2$
  • $\frac {1}{2}$
$\frac {1}{2}$


  • $\sqrt{\frac{1}{3}}$
  • $\sqrt[3]{2x}$

Sums and Integrals

  • Sum : $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{10} t_i$
  • Int : $\int\limits_a^b$
  • $\int_0^\infty \sin(x^2)$
$\sum\limits_{i=1}^{10} t_i$
$\int_0^\infty \sin(x^2)$